Good Project Manager / Bad Project Manager


Why am I creating good vs. bad comparisons for various roles? In short: Because it helps me with my recruiting & feedback reflection process and it makes the game more transparent for anyone working with me. The long version of this article can be found in Why am I writing good vs. bad comparisons for various roles?

Good Project Manager / Bad Project Manager

A good project manager owns the project. He is aware of all involved stakeholders, resources, timings and budgets. A bad project manager reacts to the stakeholders, the resources, timings and budgets.

A good project manager knows who is steering the project, who his resources are and who needs to be informed. A bad project manager talks to the guys who talk to him.

A good project manager uses jour fixes, regular update emails and project communication. A bad project manager acts on request.

A good project manager is in close touch and on top of all resources. A bad project manager is driven by resource feedback.

A good project manager owns the communication and conversation around the project. A bad project manager forwards emails.

A good project manager loves to have another project manager on board. A bad project manager will be afraid of too much project transparency.

A good project manager uses documentation and transparency as management principle and will ensure documentation at all times. A bad project manager refers to verbal communication from “that call we had”.

A good project manager gets the project done with the resources he has. A bad project manager will find tons of excuses (claims competition / other teams / etc. have more resources / time / budget).

A good project manager anticipates pushbacks and always has a plan B. A bad project manager escalates every pushback to the steering committee.

A good project manager is transparent about timing, budget and risk changes. A bad project manager will wait for the last minute to inform.

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